I sometimes go to women's open bazaar on Wednesdays for having lunch and for shopping.I buy homemade cakes,pies or traditional food and wool productions made by housewomen. And I can't easily decide on what to eat as all the food I see are appetizing. One already can feel hungry when she/he walks between the stands.The woman with the scarf is my favourite one because she always wears a scarf when she cooks .
I appreciate her work to contribute to her family income.
The man ,who newly retired, behind her helps her serving the food she makes.It is usually crowded at lunch time because the working people around that area come to the bazaar at lunch time knowing they will find delicious food to eat.They also sell wool handmade cardigans,bonnets,booties and small blankets for babies,shawls,vests ,socks for elderlies.
They were all pleased when I took their pictures while they were working by their stands.
It has been great help to the women who do not have time to do all these handmade productions and homemade food who want to make for their families.
If they don't have anything you want,they immediately get it for you from the neighbour stand .
I believe in all women in the world have the strength to cope with the difficuties of life.
I appreciate her work to contribute to her family income.
They were all pleased when I took their pictures while they were working by their stands.
It has been great help to the women who do not have time to do all these handmade productions and homemade food who want to make for their families.
If they don't have anything you want,they immediately get it for you from the neighbour stand .
I believe in all women in the world have the strength to cope with the difficuties of life.
My mouth is watering now, May. Your photos show good-hearted people who worked hard to make this wholesome food. Please can we go to this market when next I come to visit you?