Her yaz olduğu gibi bu yazı da geçirmek üzere saklı cennet gibi olan Akdeniz kıyısında Mavi Kent sitesindeyim.Kalabalıktan uzak,doğa ile başbaşa olmak,çam havası ,temiz deniz ,sakin yaşam insanı adeta dinçleştiriyor.
It has been a long time I couldn't access my blog.I am happy to able to now.I have still a busy life.I am not complaining about it but I realize that 24 hours is not enough.My only granddaughter visited me for a week of stay.We had missed each other very much.So that I tried to enjoy every minute of her stay. I let her play with her friends as long as she wanted.We went to the nearest park and play ground where she liked very much to play with sand.I believed that she was so happy with me as she did not ask for her parents.She knew she would be back after a week of stay.She is a quite clever little sweety of mine .
I'm a really busy lady, with my grown up daughters and a granddaughter to look after, as well as a husband and heaps of in-laws.... I'm always rushing around, travelling from one home to another. My hobbies have to include washing, cooking and cleaning but I'm also intellectual enough to need some cultural activities, such as reading, writing, exhibitions, social and cultural studies.
This blog is a way of getting a few minutes to sit down and have time for myself.